Six Ways to Use WordPress for Affiliate Marketing in Trinidad and Tobago

From commoner to businessman everybody wants to earn money without much effort. One approach to earn additionally is via affiliate marketing. Everyone who owns and runs a website or eCommerce website in Trinidad and Tobago with regular customers and good traffic must give it a try. Apart from earning, it can additionally help you to increase the popularity of your site.

Affiliate Marketing and its Working Procedure

Affiliate marketing is a technique through which you promote products of other brands on your website and, by doing so, earn a commission on every sale. In addition to the fact that you earn via promotion, a little cut of the income is also generated through every deal completed via your site. Hence, it is a phenomenal platform for extra earning.

The exact primary method is through putting ads on your site. However, there are alternate approaches as well. In that case, you can suggest products that are like what you provide. But be conscious while doing so and always keep in mind that by doing so, neither your promotion creates competition for your business, nor it harms your brand.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing helps to enhance traffic on your website. In case you have no products to offer. However, with a massive following through affiliate marketing, you can earn easy revenue.

Additionally, there is no limit for the sign-up, and you can put ads relevant to your site and your brand. Further advantages of affiliate marketing are:

•           It assists in connecting with your target market.

•           It is performance-based.

•           Effective in terms of cost.

•           Provides your followers a feeling of trust and enhances your repute.

•           Helps to boost sales and traffic.

Read more: Eight best techniques to buildup eCommerce in Trinidad and Tobago by use of videos

Methods to Utilize WordPress for Affiliate Marketing

Below are some methods that show that how to utilize your WordPress website for affiliate marketing.

Understand What Your Website’s Focus is

Before connecting with affiliates, you need to know precisely about your website focus. Further, it would be best if you attracted some followers according to your specialty.

Make sure the promoted products and services on your site are helpful for your followers. Keep in mind your followers’ interests and the relevancy of the products. This will convert to sales utilizing your website.

To convert maximum site visits to potential sales, consider your follower’s interests, fears, and problems when buying an item. Also, try to offer solutions as this will help your followers; hence, they will buy your affiliates’ products.

To achieve this, communication is the key. Communicate with your followers straightforwardly. For this purpose, the usage of questions via your social media pages or even through forums is the best option. Additionally, the creation of surveys is another effective medium. It provides insight into what your followers want to discover on your site.

Put Resources in High-Quality Content

High-quality content will not only help to boost your website traffic but, additionally, will urge more affiliates to investigate your site and think about it for their advertisements. So, always put some extra resources while generating the content of your website.

To make sure that your followers click on your affiliate links, you need to ensure that your site’s content is of high-quality.

For this purpose, you can post original articles related to your affiliates’ businesses and likewise add their links in the text.

You can likewise add a call to action for each article of affiliate content. Actionable links must be incorporated not only in the ad but to the article or landing page.

See also: E-Commerce Strategies to Handle Duplicate Content for Higher Ranking in Trinidad and Tobago

Choose whom you Want to Associate Your Brand With

What you promote on your website will always be associated with your brand. It is not generally related to money – affiliation is like proposals, so you would prefer not to promote items you do not support.

Hence, it would help if you made target personas for your affiliates and check whether they relate to your audiences, and have the option to draw in the right partners. It would be best if you also characterized why they ought to consider working with you and their advantages. For instance, if your site is about wines and dining, a decent match is a houseware vendor.

Below are few most widely used affiliate programs worldwide today:


Amazon is the biggest online store has an enormous affiliates program. The Amazon Associates Program gives a chance to sites to adapt their traffic by selling Amazon products.

It offers an enormous number of items that you can decide to publicize on your site. As it has products related to almost every niche, so do not need to stress over tracking down the correct one to promote on your site. Moreover, it is simple to add the coding and gadgets into your WordPress site without utilizing a plugin. But it has one requirement: to have at least one sale within a particular time frame.


Another most famous affiliate platform today is ShareASale. It allows the site to interface with many dealers, chooses the one relevant to your niche, and sign up with them.

Whenever you have picked the organization that you need to work with, banners and links would be provided by ShareASale, which you need to put on your site. Though, you can likewise make your own if you want to link explicit products to your site.


It works like Amazon, as a gigantic online commercial center. Being a website owner, all you have to do is join their affiliate program and then promote ClickBank products to earn a commission. With an enormous number of brands and thousands of affiliate partners, you do not need to worry about finding a company that perfectly suits your niche.

Utilize Affiliate Tools on Your WordPress Website

WordPress offers an enormous number of plugins that you can use to enhance the working of your website. In case you need to gauge your affiliate programs’ success, which everyone does. At that point, you need the help of some plugins on your site, specially designed for affiliate business.

Following are some handy affiliate marketing tools and plugins:


ThirstyAffiliates comes with enormous features regarding tracking the success of your affiliate program. The most significant feature is the shortcodes. You can turn on no-follow links and even add banners and images to your advertisements. Its Pro version likewise permits you to focus on specific areas where your promotions are to be shown.


By utilizing Pretty Links, you can track your affiliate links and measure their statistics, especially the number of clicks and the area where they are coming from. Furthermore, it helps to create short and good links related to your domain and manage the affiliate links you may put in emails, social media, and your WordPress site.

Besides giving you basic information on affiliate link performance, this plugin helps expand the reach of your site via link building.


Thrive Leads can also assist you in link generation and building. It can help your followers click on your affiliate links. Additionally, it is widely utilized to create email lists, which is another effective method of promoting affiliate offers.

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Carefully Monitor How Affiliates Perform

As the affiliate programs are based on sales commission, all you have to do is cautiously track and record how they perform. Always keep a record of the clicks of your links and the purchases made through these links.

Be flexible and adaptable to any situation, and never hesitate to revisit your strategies. Monitoring progress and providing assistance to your customers should be your ultimate goal.

Utilize the strategies mentioned above and do use plugins to maintain the smooth functioning of your affiliate programs.

Work on Promoting Your WordPress Affiliate Programs

Although you have the aid of the plugins mentioned earlier, promotion is vital for any business and particularly for finding partners for your affiliate programs.

You can begin by creating a landing page for affiliate partners on your site. After that, devise strategies to drive traffic to it. For this purpose, utilize all web-based marketing strategies to attract the targeted audience, for instance, promotion through social media pages.

You can acquire additional followers through paid promotions and targeted campaigns on social media.


Whenever done the correct way, affiliate marketing can assist you to grow both your business and website. But it has some prerequisites, and site suitability for affiliate programs is one of them. Moreover, you likewise need to keep traffic high to attract affiliates to advertise on your site.

Affiliate marketing nowadays a most popular method to earn additional income via utilizing your website’s traffic. If the tips mentioned above are appropriately followed, no one can stop your business’s growth and payment.

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